Mailbag: The Best Movie Apps, How To Watch More Movies, What To Eat At The Movies, and the Keto Diet - My viral News


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Sunday, 10 February 2019


Mailbag: The Best Movie Apps, How To Watch More Movies, What To Eat At The Movies, and the Keto Diet

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On the February 8, 2019 episode of /Film Daily, /Film editor in chief Peter Sciretta is joined by /Film managing editor Jacob Hall, weekend editor Brad Oman, senior writer Ben Pearson, and writers Hoai-Tran Bui and Chris Evangelista to answer some reader emails.

You can subscribe to /Film Daily on iTunes, Google Play, Overcast, Spotify and all the popular podcast apps (here is the RSS URL if you need it).

Opening Banter: It’s a slow news day today.

In The Mailbag:

  • The other day we talked about how no one seems to want to direct James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.  Brian Thomas wrote in with a suggestion “Couldn’t Peyton Reed do it? Just team him up with the GotG2 art team and crew to get the world right, and hand him James Gunn’s script.   I thought Ant-Man and the Wasp was every bit as good as GotG2. He clearly “gets” how to make a sci-fi action comedy with an ensemble cast.  You’d just have to convince him to do it, I guess.
  • Koji from Tokyo, Japan writes in “Big fan of the podcast! Listening everyday!I have a question for you guys. What app do you use for tracking movies and TV series you’ve seen?
    • Are there any other movie apps that you use in some way worth mentioning?
  • Greg M from Australia writes in “Love the show, have been listening for around a year now. I find the knowledge and enthusiasm displayed by you and the team really inspiring. Keeps me motivated to continue working on my own scripts, and reminds me that the world of cinema is more rewarding the closer you look.  Which brings me to my question. Australia is not known for having exemplary or timely access to all the TV and movies that are out there, and even with the addition of streaming services, it’s still an uphill battle. Now I’m not talking about finding obscure or dated titles, I’m talking about finishing off my watch list for 2018! I live in Brisbane – a city of over a million people – but even in a town this size, our cinemas don’t show anything remotely obscure. Melbourne and Sydney aren’t much better. One recent example is that only one cinema here showed ‘Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far On Foot’, and then only for about a week. And that is NOT an underground movie. That is not some festival film that “no one cares about”.   In 2018 I watched around 45 films from the year. I was floored to hear that Chris watched over 300. So my question to you then becomes: “How do I watch more movies in 2019?”. I know there’s no magic bullet solution but there has to be a way to see the films the cinemas won’t show. Are there any industry tips or tricks you can share? I’d prefer to do it legally also – I have cinephile friends that just pirate movies they can’t see elsewhere, but that sucks for everyone really. Please help me, it’s fucking absurd that these things get made and then no one gets to watch them.”
  • Derrek from Buffalo, NY writes in “Thanks for all the good listening this year.  I wanted to pose to the slash film crew this question…when is the best time in a theater to eat your concessions?  Do you eat your snacks during the previews? Some before, some during? It seems like I always end up eating them all before the movie starts.  I hope to someday shake the hand of some of the dads I see exiting the theater with candy remaining after a 2.5 hr movie….  Keep up the good work.”
  • Justin D from Dallas Texas writes in “I’m happy to hear that you’re having so much success with the Keto Diet. I am debating on a diet going into next year and was curious to know more about it. What is the meal planning like? Is it a difficult diet? How much exercise is needed and how does the diet make you feel?

All the other stuff you need to know:

  • You can find more about all the stories we mentioned on today’s show at, and linked inside the show notes.
  • /Film Daily is published every weekday, bringing you the most exciting news from the world of movies and television as well as deeper dives into the great features from
  • You can subscribe to /Film Daily on iTunes, Google Play, Overcast, Spotify and all the popular podcast apps (RSS).
  • Send your feedback, questions, comments and concerns to us at Please leave your name and general geographic location in case we mention the e-mail on the air.
  • Please rate and review the podcast on iTunes, tell your friends and spread the word!
  • Thanks to Sam Hume for our logo.

The post Mailbag: The Best Movie Apps, How To Watch More Movies, What To Eat At The Movies, and the Keto Diet appeared first on /Film.

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